
Usual hothouse coating (without special additives) passes all the sunny spectrum and in several cases it reflects UV- or infrared (IR) emission.


  • by its characteristics the agent exceeds 30-40% of all the analogues available at the market;

  • the agent is easily introduced into polyethylene (PE) or polycarbonate (PC) without requiring additional additives for its uniform distribution;

  • it improves the mechanical strength and frost stability of greenhouse films;

  • the components are of the only Russian production in the agent composition;

  • the most important agent components determining its quality characteristics are inorganic phosphors which convert the “harmful” UV emission into “useful” emission of red and blue spectrum colors. The high quality phosphors of “RPF “Luminofor” Corp.” production are used in the “SKD” agent.

Advantages of light correction with “SKD” agents:

  • increases the rate of photosynthesis;

  • shortens the terms of ripening;

  • increases the harvest;

  • increases the content of vitamins;

  • lengthens a plant stalk.

Operation conditions

The agent content in the film is varied from 0.1 to 3 % depending on the production technology. The precise percentage content of the agent is worked through by a customer in the conditions of his production.

Absorption range
UV-emission of daylight
Luminescence range
Properties (light-correcting additive)
Material Absorption range Luminescence range
SKD-1 UV-emission of daylight red
SKD-2 UV-emission of daylight blue and red