Phosphors are substances which emit light under the influence of various types of excitation.
Phosphors can be divided according to the type of excitation:
photophosphors are excited with ultraviolet, visible or infrared light
electrophosphors are excited with an electric field;
cathodophosphors are excited with an electron beam;
x-ray phosphors are excited at x-ray rays;
radiophosphors are excited by ionizing radiation (of α-, β-, γ-rays, protons, neutrons, nucleus).
The luminescence of phosphors occurs without heating ("cold light"). The duration of the luminescent emission considerably exceeds the oscillation period of the light electromagnetic wave.
By the emission duration, luminescence is divided into two types:
fluorescence when the luminescence disappears in a very short time after ceasing the excitation;
phosphorescence ("afterglow"), when the luminescence is observed for a long time after ceasing the excitation.
By their chemical nature, phosphors are divided into inorganic (crystallophosphors) and organic (luminogens) phosphors.
The production range of RPF Luminophor CJSC represents the inorganic phosphors for both high-tech industries and mass-market products.