Luminescent paints fluorescing when excited with UV-light
You can paint the different surfaces both in-and-out building by using UV-paints. The surfaces painted with UV-paint have the effect of glowing when excited with UV-light. The paint has gloss enough grade. A stable weatherproof coating is formed after painting.
indoor and outdoor advertising;
design of souvenir and New year products;
painting wall panels and buildings elements,
decoration of offices, shop-windows etc.
The paints are produced on the base of inorganic phosphors of the "RPF “Luminophor” own production capacities. Therefore, they have increased afterglow brightness, resistance to light and thermostability.
Operation condition
The paints of AC type based on acrylic polymers have been developed for indoor works. The rate of full drying is an hour and a half.
We have developed the weatherproof paints of DS type based on epoxide resins for outdoor works. The rate of full drying is 24 hours.
Surface preparation: the painted surface must be dry and clean. Before painting, the untreated metal surface is cleaned of rust by a metal brush or sandpaper, degreased with acetone or water detergent, then the surface is thoroughly washed with water and dried. You must use personal protective equipment when applying the paint.
Method of application: with paint sprayer, brush, pouring.